Can You Imagine What Hunger Feels Like?

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Can you eat on just $4.20 a day?From Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2014, members, staff and clergy of Congregation Shaare Emeth will take the SNAP Challenge and try to live on the average food budget of a Missouri SNAP recipient – just $29.25 per week or less than $1.40 per meal. SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as Food Stamps). Why are we doing this? To raise awareness about the struggles faced by millions of food-insecure households, to experience first-hand how difficult it is to afford nutritious foods, and to renew our commitment to do what we can to put an end to hunger.

Please join us by attending one of our hunger events, following our blog as we document our experiences (subscribe by email in the box on the right, subscribe to the blog feed, or check back daily), joining as SNAP Challenge participant and blog author, or participating in an alternate way. Let's all learn a little more about what it's like to live solely on food stamps.

Friday, January 31, 2014

SNAP Challenge from Ted's point of view

Part 2


We ran out of some of the important staples on Wednesday.  Apples, Bananas and Egg,  all ran out after Wednesday's lunch.  As a result, Thursday's lunch consisted of 2 items, left over enchiladas and a small bag of raisins. I missed my apple.  This was the first day I truly felt hunger.  It made me cranky, tired and appreciative that on a normal day I could easily solve this problem with a few coins and a vending machine.

Fortunately Jennifer stopped by the grocery store after work and the apple shortage was eliminated. Unfortunately I feel like I need to catch up on eating no matter how much I eat.  We have now spent $104.00.


One of the rules/guidelines of the challenge is to avoid taking free food at work, from friends, etc.  Over the past week I have been offered Crab Rangoon, a Margarita (not at work), a doughnut and an office Super Bowl party snack buffet, I bet they had Que-so dip.  Such pain.  In addition, someone in this house who is an adult begged to stop at McDonald's to get a .69 cent ice cream cone last night.  I  held firm.

Tonight, Elyssa asked to have friends over.  We said sure but remember the SNAP challenge.  I don't feel bad, the last time we had this group over we picked up a bunch of food off the floor.

For Shabbat we are having homemade pizza tonight.  With Lilly off at a friends house, it would be a great opportunity for Jen and I to go out to dinner.  That will have to wait for another opportunity, but I am thankful for what I have.

Good Shabbas,


1 comment:

  1. such a worthwhile project! I enjoy reading about everyone's stories with SNAP.Now I need to hop on board!
